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I am thrilled to have the opportunity to be the first representative for the new Colorado House District 19, serving the communities of

Dacono, Erie, Frederick, Firestone, East Longmont and surrounding areas. 


This district is exactly what Colorado voters wanted when they created our independent redistricting commissions:  it's compact, competitive and brings together communities facing a common set of challenges.​

District Graphic.jpg

Primary District Boundaries (with a few exceptions as pictured):

  • North:  Highway 66

  • South:  Highway 7 and Adams County line

  • East:  County Rd 19

  • West:  95th Ave and Highway 287


For more detail, you can access an interactive map of House District 19 here:


So what matters to voters in District 19?


We reached out to the community through surveys, meet-and-greets and public records and there are three issues utmost on the minds of our district:


1.  Environment / Oil & Gas:  It should come as no surprise to anyone who lives here that the number one issue local residents raised was how to protect our communities from the harmful impact of oil and gas operations while ensuring that our workforce is protected in the transition to renewable energy sources.  I believe that we can and must keep drilling operations safely away from neighborhoods and schools, transition to safer and more responsible energy sources and protect our impacted workforce.


2.  Affordable Housing:  Also no surprise to local residents is how important the issue of affordable housing has become in our district.  In the past two years alone, housing prices have skyrocketed 150% or more throughout most of the district.  It's an unsustainable market that has many worried about how we can keep good teachers, law enforcement, healthcare workers and other valued and dedicated public servants in our community.  


3.  Embracing Diversity & Community:  We were pleasantly surprised to see how many district residents brought up the issue of making our communities safe and welcoming for people from all backgrounds.  District 19 has a large Latino population, LGBTQ population, and is welcoming more and more people from all over the country and world.  With that, we are seeing more deliberate efforts to ensure our schools, local governments, businesses, healthcare and religious providers and other community services are prepared to handle an increasingly diverse population.   


Welcome to
District 19

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